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Corporate Social Responsability

We pride ourselves on being a truly diverse global company and view our cultural diversity as one of our greatest assets.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) company policy refers to our responsibility toward our environment. 


Our company does not exist alone. It is part of larger systems of people, values, other organizations and nature.

Corporate Social Responsibility is giving back to the world what the world has given us.


We respect and encourage all employees regardless of origin, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, age or medical condition.

Young Students

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill


Kh Lim AgroChain

To aim for a better food security chain via digital technology


Kh Lim Basket Ball 

KH Lim Group is the main sponsor of the local youth girls' basketball team, which provides support and training for basketball enthusiasts.


KH Lim Philantrophy

A matter of culture, arts & education.

Our commitments

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